Bennett is Eleven Months

Ahh where did my baby go????? It doesn’t help that he looks like a toddler…

My little man is almost one! I seriously cannot believe it. It feels like I blinked and then here we are, at a year. Don’t get me wrong, there were many times I doubted I’d survive (those first three months are ROUGH), but being Bennett’s mama is amazing!

11 months

Weight: 25 lbs

Length: really tall (whoops)

Size: 18 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: dirty blonde

Sleeping:  he typically sleeps through the night (HALLELUJAH, THANK YOU LORD!!!) sometimes he wakes for a bottle about an hour after going to bed.

Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of solid fruits, proteins, whatever we’re eating

Milestones: He has five teeth! Of course he won’t let me see the three on the top. Snickerdoodle. He was sick for the first time. He had a slight fever and a really runny nose for 12 hours. After he sneezed into my mouth and onto Gigi’s face, I was sick for 2.5 weeks and Gigi had to go to urgent care. I’m SO thankful Bennett has his Dad’s immune system.

First Christmas

Memorable outings: Meeting Santa

Likes: ALL THE FOOD! His favorite foods: blueberries, carrots, pears. Smiling 🙂

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Chili Mac and cheese was a big hit tonight.

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Bath time. Jimmy discovered Bennett likes when you put his tub close to the faucet and leave the water running. Apparently it’s like a water park that way.

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Bath baby Bennett

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Dislikes: staying still, getting his diaper changed, changing clothes, anyone looking at his teeth

Words/sounds: “dada,” “ahhh” “ohhh,” “mama,” “mom”

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Snickerdoodle,” “Mister Mister”

Funny moments: 

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Those giggles though. 😍 My favorite 💙

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Looking forward to: first birthday! I am planning and preparing like crazy!!!!

Photos This Month:

Bennett 11 Months

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Bennett is Ten Months

10 months

Weight: 24 lbs

Length: 30.5″

Size: 18 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: dirty blonde

Sleeping:  he typically sleeps from 7 pm to 5 am. Wakes to chug a bottle. Then back to sleep until 7 am.

Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of solid fruits, proteins, whatever we’re eating

Memorable outings: Two Thanksgivings! (Lunch with Daddy’s family, Dinner with Mommy’s family).

Likes: ALL THE FOOD! His favorite foods: blueberries, carrots, pears. Smiling 🙂

Dislikes: staying still, getting his diaper changed, changing clothes

Words/sounds: “dada,” “ahhh” “ohhh,” “mama,” “mom”

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Snickerdoodle,” “Mister Mister”

Funny moments: Bennett loves chili! When he wants to get my attention or is frustrated at me (aka I take away the remote) he says “mom!”

Looking forward to: first birthday!

Photos This Month:

Bennett 10 Months
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Bennett is Nine Months

9 months

Weight: 22 lbs

Length: 30.5″

Size: 18 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: dirty blonde

Sleeping:  he typically sleeps from 7 pm to 5 am. Wakes to chug a bottle. Then back to sleep until 7 am.

Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of solid fruits, proteins, whatever we’re eating

Milestones: he did all the milestones last month

Memorable outings: Apple picking

Likes: ALL THE FOOD! Seriously this kid wants real food

Dislikes: staying still, getting his diaper changed, changing clothes

Words/sounds: “dada,” “ahhh” “ohhh,” “mama”

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Snickerdoodle”

Interesting Facts: B had his first “play date” with baby C (my friend Laura’s newborn). He’s about 3 times her size. He loves to hold onto the “handles” on his walker and FLY!

Funny moments: Bennett has some good dance moves!

Looking forward to: first thanksgiving

Photos This Month:

Bennett Nine Months

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Bennett is Eight Months

Bennett is Eight Months!

Last month I said I liked this stage better. This month, it holds true. Every month is better than the last!

This month’s highlights include: First word = “dada.” He’s crawling!!!! Cutting two teeth, pulling himself up to standing (with help from furniture) — LOTS happened this month

We’re continuing to introduce a variety of fruits and vegetables. So far, he’s liked everything. I think he’ll take after his dad and be a good eater 🙂

Typical Day:

7 am wake up & bottle

9 am nap for Ingrid & Bennett in their own rooms

10 am – 5 pm bottles on demand, naps every 1.5 – two hours; in this time, errands/I try to squeeze in a workout/lots of playing

5:30 pm bath

7 pm put Bennett down

7 pm dinner & Ingrid & Jimmy hang out time

B wakes up once a night for a bottle – Ingrid gives him and then sleeps until 7 am

Monthly Questionnaire

Age: 8 months

Weight:  (didn’t weigh him, fails)

Length: ” he’s bigger than big duck!

Size: 12 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: dirty blonde

Sleeping:  he typically sleeps from 7 pm to 5 am. Wakes to chug a bottle. Then back to sleep until 7 am.

Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of pureed food; some solids

Milestones: 1) crawling, 2) pulling up to stand, 3) sitting independently, 4) has two teeth, 5) first word =”dada”

Memorable outings: first trip to Blacksburg

Likes: ALL THE FOOD! Seriously this kid wants real food

Dislikes: staying still, getting his diaper changed, changing clothes

Words/sounds: “dada,” “pagne” [champagne’s nickname], “ahhh” “ohhh”

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Snickerdoodle”

Interesting Facts: Bennett said his first word in the car while I was driving him to the cottage for a weekend trip. He said “dada.” He then proceeded to say it all day and night the rest of the weekend.

Funny moments: While in Blacksburg, my dad, Kurt, and Lizzy got sprayed by a skunk (long story), but B slept through the whole thing. I smelled it, thought a skunk was in our room coming after my baby, and proceeded to crawl around looking for it, but not turning on the lights at around 2 am.

Looking forward to: first steps (kind of)

Photos This Month:

Bennett Seven Months
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Bennett is Seven Months

Bennett is Seven Months!

I like this month even better than last month! I think B and I are finally getting into a bit of a groove here. We get out of the house on walks, errands, or to socialize almost every day. We’re both getting more sleep. I finally feel like I’m started to understand what he wants (instead of the guessing I was doing before).

This month’s highlights include: Bennett swimming for the first time, “cutting” his first tooth (and then having that stop growing because he “cut” another), and going to his first play date.

We’re continuing to introduce a variety of fruits and vegetables. So far, he’s liked everything. I think he’ll take after his dad and be a good eater 🙂

Typical Day:

7 am wake up & bottle

9 am nap for Ingrid & Bennett in their own rooms

10 am – 5 pm bottles on demand, naps every 1.5 – two hours; in this time, errands/I try to squeeze in a workout/lots of playing

5:30 pm bath

7 pm put Bennett down

7 pm dinner & Ingrid & Jimmy hang out time

B wakes up once a night for a bottle – Ingrid gives him and then sleeps until 7 am

Monthly Questionnaire

Age: 7 months

Weight: 21.2 lbs

Length: 29″ – he’s bigger than big duck!

Size: 12 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: light brown

Sleeping:  he typically sleeps from 7 pm to 5 am. Wakes to chug a bottle. Then back to sleep until 7 am.

Eating: formula bottles: 6 oz each feeding; lots of pureed food

Milestones:  1) is bigger than the duck 2) first tooth started popping out

Memorable outings:  first time swimming

Likes: moving constantly, working on his crawling, rolling over, and planking

Dislikes: non puréed food, staying still, taking baths, and walks in the stroller – this kid wants to run himself!

Words/sounds: “a” “ahh” “ohhh” “mmhm,” “uhh” “umm” still loving the vowels

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “B,” “Thumper” (he loves to kick his foot against the floor when laying on his back)

Interesting Facts: he loves to plank – he has excellent form

planking baby diaper

planking baby

Funny moments: while he’s learning to crawl, he’s rocking back and forth, it’s so funny – he does it all the time

Looking forward to: crawling (but also, not really)

Photos This Month:

Bennett Seven Months
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Friday Favorites

A few bloggers I follow list things they’re loving every week. I thought it was a great idea. So, here’s my first “Friday Favorites.”

1. Trader Joe’s Natural Facial Cleansing Pads

trader joes natural facial cleansing pads

One of my best friends introduced these to me on our annual girls’ lake weekend. I have recently been trying to use more natural products, while combating acne. (Seriously, I thought that was supposed to end after high school). These cleansing pads are great! They leave your skin a little tingly but overall clean well and work. Tea Tree Oil is great for fighting blemishes and all sorts of acne.

2. Thayer’s Original Witch Hazel

Thayers original witch hazel
Another skin care favorite, my sister-in-law said she started using witch hazel on her face and loved it. I immediately bought some and have to agree. It is soothing, minimizes pores, feels amazing.

3. Enlightened Ice Cream

enlightened triple chocolate ice cream

Switching gears, I cannot get enough of this ice cream! I’m currently loving the “Triple Chocolate” flavor, but I also love the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Those are the only two flavors I’ve tried (creature of habit), but I will venture out to other flavors because these are seriously amazing! They have more protein than normal ice cream and have fewer calories. I’ve definitely eaten a whole pint in one sitting. The Triple Chocolate has gooey fudge swirls that actually taste like fudge. Yum! I found it to be creamier than competitor Halo Top.

4. WubbaNub


Bennett doesn’t use his pacifiers a ton, but he does like them if he isn’t feeling 100%, needs to calm down, or is a little scared, like after shots or when falling asleep. We both loved the stuffed animal attached. Makes finding it under the crib 10000000x easier. The stuffed animal also becomes Bennett’s friend at night. I’m often watching him on the video baby monitor as he holds his elephant over his head “talking” to him. I imagine he’s sharing all about his day to his bestie before falling asleep. It is adorable!


Those are my current favorites this Friday.

Bennett is Four Months

Bennett is Four Months!


This is the first month I’m a stay at home mom. So far, it’s amazing. I love being there for Bennett all the time. I love seeing him grow and learn every single day.

This month is also sadly, the first month I’m not breastfeeding. Honestly, it is so freeing. Not having the stress and feeling like a failure is great. I miss the bond. I miss providing the best nutrition for my baby (you can’t replicate those antibodies). I miss the feeling of success when I pumped a bottle. I miss B falling asleep nursing. I do not miss late night feedings.

Typical Day:

7 am wake up & bottle

9 am nap for Ingrid & Bennett in B’s room

10 am – 6 pm bottles on demand, naps every 1.5 – two hours

6:30 pm put Bennett down

7 pm dinner & Ingrid & Jimmy hang out time

9:30 pm bed – Jimmy in B’s room, Ingrid in the master

midnight-Jimmy gives Bennett a bottle

4 am (or whenever Bennett wakes up for his next feeding) – Jimmy gets Ingrid and they swap rooms; Ingrid gives B a bottle

4 am – 7 am Ingrid & B try to sleep in B’s room

 Monthly Questionnaire

Age: 4 months

Weight: 16.5 lbs

Length: 26.75″

Size: 6 months and some 9 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: light brown

Sleeping: slept through the night (11 hours straight!) he sleeps in his crib in his “spacesuit” (Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleep Suit)

Eating: formula bottles: 4 oz each feeding

Milestones: 1) slept through the night!

Memorable outings: First time at the cottage/first time on a boat

Likes: ceiling fans, his changing table, loves his room

Dislikes: baths, staying still, his monthly tie stickers

Words/sounds: “a” “ahh” “ohhh”

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “Mr. Ahgoo, “B”

Interesting Facts: first month of all day everyday Mommy & Bennett time

Funny moments: I had my friends over – B tried so hard to stay up and hang out, but he just couldn’t make it. He fell asleep sitting up on Sarah’s lap.


Looking forward to: more sleep; his first beach trip (next month)

Photos from Bennett’s Fourth Month:

Bennett Four Months
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Bennett is Three Months

Bennett is Three Months!


People claimed it would get easier around three months. They were so right! We no longer feel like this baby will kill us (which would lead to an amazing Lifetime movie).

Sleeping wise, we finally figured some things out, first of all, we were keeping him up way too late! Benny needs to go to bed around 6-7 pm. Secondly, Bennett does better when Mommy is no where around him. This means, Jimmy starts the night in Bennett’s room (where we have a full sized adult bed) while B sleeps in his Rock ‘n Play.

Feeding wise, we’re stopping nursing at the end of this month. Cue all the tears. I literally gave it my all. Blood, sweat, and tears here. However, Bennett screams and hits me every time I try to nurse him now. His nursing sessions are getting shorter and shorter. The lactation specialists think it is because he knows a bottle is coming (we still have to supplement). I’m pumping for 20-30 minutes six times a day just to get half of what he needs. It is not sustainable. At least I made it to three months. That is a solid foundation.

Typical Day:

3 am nursing

Ingrid & B sleep in B’s room

6 am nursing

Ingrid & B try to sleep some more

7 am wake up & pump

9 am Gigi comes over, Ingrid naps, B gets bottles and naps with Gigi downstairs

noon – 6 pm: nurses every 3 hours, formula bottle after while Ingrid pumps, Ingrid naps whenever she can while Gigi watches B

6:30 pm put Bennett down

7 pm dinner while watching The Wheel of Fortune

8 pm last pumping followed by bed for Ingrid in master bedroom & Jimmy in B’s room

midnight – Jimmy gives B a bottle

midnight-3 am Jimmy & B sleep in B’s room, Ingrid in master

3 am (or whenever Bennett wakes up for his next feeding) – Jimmy gets Ingrid and they swap rooms


 Monthly Questionnaire

Age: 3 months

Weight: didn’t weigh him

Length: didn’t measure him

Size: 6 months and some 9 months – holy growth spurt

Eyes: blue

Hair: light brown

Sleeping: sleeps 5 hours straight on the regular *THANK YOU JESUS!

Eating: breastfeeding as much as he’ll let me, supplementing with breast milk or formula bottles 2-4 oz at a time

Milestones: first giggle when I brought him into City Hall and he thought Sandy was hilarious; first Easter

Memorable outings: went to City Hall; first road trip – went to Richmond so Ingrid could be in her friend Meredith’s wedding

Likes:  trying to talk, kicking, his mama, making faces, and trying to suck his thumb.

Dislikes: baths, being naked

Words/sounds: agu

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “Mr. Agu, “B”

Interesting Facts: he sneezes three times in a row once a day, every day

Funny moments: while organizing laundry, a burp cloth fell off the back of the couch right onto Bennett’s head – we all laughed

Looking forward to: his first recognize me smile; and sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep

Photos from Bennett’s Third Month:

Bennett Three Months
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Bennett is Two Months


Bennett is Two Months!

Month two is a little easier than the first month. We’re still having nursing challenges, but he’s finally gaining weight, thank goodness for formula. Fed is best everyone.

Sleeping is still rough but that’s to be expected. He’s up every hour and a half. Eating every hour and a half round the clock. Team Baby is Mommy, Gigi & Grandpa during the weekdays, Mommy, Gigi & Daddy for week nights, and just Mommy & Daddy for weekends. Kai is contemplating running away. I wouldn’t blame him.

Bennett saw his first snow! I insisted Jimmy go into work late so we could take some photos outside. I love snow! Then, while watching the news all day (like I do every snow day), I submitted a photo of Bennett doing his “snow angel” and he got featured! Little celebrity 🙂

Monthly Questionnaire

Age: 2 months

Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz

Length: 22″

Size: some newborn, mostly 3 months

Eyes: blue

Hair: light brown

Sleeping: not well. Towards the end of the month, we got a Rock n’ Play he sleeps better in that

Eating: breastfeeding with supplementation via a bottle. Eats every hour and a half around the clock

Milestones: started babbling, can fully support head, first smile

Memorable outings: 1) first time out to eat (Dogfish Head Alehouse with Mommy, Gigi, and Grandpa) 2) first movie – La La Land at the Cry Baby Matinee with Mommy and Gigi

Likes: ceiling fans, kicking, stretching, smiling, and of course eating

Dislikes: sleeping & baths

Words/sounds: agu

Nicknames: “Little Man,” “Benny,” “Mr. Agu”

Interesting Facts: he sneezes three times in a row once a day, every day

Funny moments: while organizing laundry, a burp cloth fell off the back of the couch right onto Bennett’s head – we all laughed

Looking forward to: his first recognize me smile; and sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep

Photos from Bennett’s Second Month:

Bennett Two Months
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My Breastfeeding Journey: Low Supply

I 100% planned I would breastfeed. I read the books (lots of books). I bought the travel pump to take to work, I bought the accessories, I got the clothes, set up my nursing spot, I was ready. Then I had the baby.

Bennett and my nursing journey didn’t start as planned. We didn’t get to start during that magic first hour due to a nurse’s advice to “wait until he’s really ready.” Then, we were separated a lot because of severe jaundice treatment. More here.

I saw multiple board certified lactation specialists. Five to be exact. They did assessments and weight tests to determine I have low supply. I’m producing about half of what my baby needs. That was heartbreaking. However, I knew I wanted to give my son everything I had.

I breastfeed my baby as often as he wants (on-demand) which is usually every 1.5 hours. During the day for as long as he wants. During the night, I cut him off at 20 minutes so I can get some sleep. (Once he started sleeping a bit longer, I stopped cutting him off and let him eat.)  After nursing, I supplement with formula. At first this was with a syringe to avoid nipple confusion (really bottle preference).

Daddy syringe feeding Bennett

Then, we used comotomo bottles.


The first month was hard, really hard. It was also painful.

How breastfeeding really looked at the beginning for me: 3 am swollen face from crying, semi dark room, struggles, pain, determination

Typically it was only painful when he first latched on because we worked hard on getting a good latch, but it still didn’t feel great. (It did start being easier around 2 months.)

Then there were the challenges:

  1. Sleepy jaundice baby – I’d have to wake him constantly while nursing
  2. Fussy – he gets frustrated during letdown and then when I run out of milk so he whips his head around – again, painful
  3. Not enough milk – this meant pumping and herbs and lactation specialists for me
  4. Learning to latch – standard challenge for all breastfeeding mommies and babies

To try to increase my supply, the lactation specialists prescribed I:

  • Feed on-demand around the clock
  • Feed both sides each time
  • Take fenugreek and brewers yeast
  • Pump after every feeding for 20 minutes
  • Supplement with formula as needed

This plan was literally sucking the life out of me. So, after a month, my husband and I modified it:

  • Feed on-demand around the clock but try to keep night feedings under 30 minutes
  • Feed on both sides
  • Take fenugreek and brewers yeast
  • Pump after daytime feedings for 10-20 minutes
  • Supplement with formula

After a month, the lactation specialist confirmed I was producing more but my baby’s appetite increased too, so, I was still at about half what he needed. She told me to keep with the plan.

To stay alive, at around two months, I started the following:

  • Feed on-demand around the clock but try to keep night feedings under 30 minutes. If I had someone here to help, I would nap after nursing for up to 3 hours and let them give him a bottle of formula while I slept
  • Feed on both sides
  • Take fenugreek and brewers yeast
  • Pump if my baby had not eaten in an hour and was sleeping soundly – this was always a gamble
  • Supplement with formula

If I had listened to the books,  the online forums, and the breastfeeding groups, I would have just breastfed on-demand as much as my baby wanted. That should have increased my milk and given him everything he needed. That is all true if my body worked properly. However, I have low supply. So, I would have starved my baby.

Not being able to exclusively breastfeed like I planned killed me. However, I know I’m doing what is best for my baby. Getting support from lactation consultations at the beginning is key for a good latch and to identify any problems early on. If you do have low-supply, morn the loss of your breastfeeding dream, but do what is best for you, your baby, and your family.

Fed is best.